Where's the Greener Grass?

If I were to ask you what you were thinking about your life right now I bet you might say “Well, I want to get a raise at my job” or “I’d like to move out in a year” or “We’re planning to have children soon”. It often seems that our minds focus on the next best thing, the next step in our journey and we focus too much on a timeline of what’s next. We all like to think that doing something else or being a part of a different church, having children, moving away to college, or making a job change will be so much better or provide more opportunities than what we have in our present positions. I’ve come to the realization that sometimes the grass isn’t always greener on the other side as we so often believe.
This past month I was preparing myself and my belongings to make a 9 hour road trip down south. I was moving away for college. This was an adventure! I had always wanted to explore the world and I definitely have a passion for traveling. So, this move was something I looked forward to, something I thought that was meant to come next in my journey because what better and more convenient time was there to see new parts of the world than going off to college? For the past year I watched fellow classmates make big transitions to new parts of the country or to new, exciting employment opportunities. I desired that so much; to say that I was living somewhere awesome and new; pursuing a career and a new life of my own.
During this transition, God revealed that the grass may seem greener on the other side but by trying to make this work out for myself at the new school in North Carolina it was tearing me a part. I was trying to force it and conform to ways that were not necessarily designed for me at this time. He asked me, “What’s more important right now? I gave you a choice because I will be with you wherever you go, but now you made a decision to go. Do you see that your thoughts are not always what they seem? Do you see that your mind can paint an elaborate picture of what could be rather than letting me paint the picture of what is now? Beloved, come back to me and I will teach you that the grass is not always greener and that I will direct your path to all the best pastures; the places that I had you at in Ohio”.
Wow, what a humbling experience. My selfish ambitions took control of an opportunity and lead me to something that was not meant for me at this time. God’s design for us in not to follow a certain step-by-step guideline especially a guideline of what the world thinks is correct. He designed us for relationship with Him and with others. His design for us is to live out His will wherever He plants us and not follow the ways of this world. Recognizing this I saw how my selfish ambitions of wanting to travel, pursue a new life, and be self-sustaining were distorting my view of what was right in front of me; family, friends, community, home church, and so many more blessings. Focusing on the next best thing can be great but running away with those thoughts without submitting them to God’s design is treacherous.

God knew all along as He always does. He waited patiently for me to return to His will and leave my ambitions, desires, and wants behind. As I relinquished and surrendered my path to His hands I saw His blessings. My purpose for going to graduate school was to pursue a career God had led me to a little over a year ago; school counseling. Going to school in North Carolina I was chasing after more than that. I was trying to make my future secure by searching for a school that had a dual degree program: school counseling and clinical counseling) so that I could be more marketable. This was the start of my self-sustaining ambitions. I wasn’t trusting that God had my best interests in mind and would secure my path with just one degree. I wanted to make sure I had things in place just in case.
Needless to say, my journey was not what I expected. As embarrassing as it sometimes feels to mention, I’m moving back home. I truly thought being away from everything I’ve ever known would be great. I’d adjust after a couple days and eventually get in the swing of things. But I recognized that I may have wanted this so called “greener grass” as many of my classmates have pursued more than I wanted to see that the grass I had already been standing on was just as green if not greener.
As I surrendered, God graciously received me and blessed me even more than I could have imagined. Next week starts the beginning of the career God called me to. My position in a school counseling program at a local college was still available for my taking! What? That doesn’t happen! It was as if He said “She’ll be back. Just wait for her to realize the truth and she’ll return to my loving embrace and I will show her my ways are greener”. I took the opportunity as a blessing and was able to sign up for classes so late in the game. God is so patient; so gracious; so merciful. Keeping God first needs to be a priority we seek after daily, moment by moment because our human tendency will overshadow much of what His still, small voice reveals.
I know I’ve mentioned this before; living for what’s next is not how God designed it. His grace and mercies are sufficient for today. He gives us want we need for the moment and by faith in Him we can rest assured that He will always provide for our needs in the future. We won’t see clearly until we let go of our wants and desires to seek after the Lord. Don’t let your worldly pursuits overshadow your spiritual values. Look at the grass you’re standing on before you jump to the other side of the mountain. You just might find yourself in the exact place that God desires for you.

PS: Thank you to everyone who has been cheering me on during this transition. Thank you for your constant encouragement and prayers. You mean so much to me and I’m so grateful for all of you. God was working through you as He directed me back home. Thank you for your continued support and for giving me grace as well for making a mistake. You rock! 

Peace & <3,

When Control gets Out of Hand.

Control. It's a safe word. It creates order and security. For me control had been an essential tool for living my life because it gave me a sense of knowing what was going to happen next. I liked to have Plan A but also Plan B and C figured out before I even agreed to Plan A. I despised not knowing what was up ahead especially when it came down to my future (just like many of you). But when I look back at the times I tried to control a situation I only see that it brought more pain, frustration, and many more obstacles than there would have been if I had just given up control to God alone.

Control is a desire of the flesh. It strives to keep things in order and give us peace of mind. But as stated in James 3:16 "...all evil things come from human desire and self-seeking motives". I had always thought that having control of my life was responsible and looked upon as something good, which it very well maybe within the earthly world, but I was reminded that as a follower of Christ I'm to live set apart from the ways of the world. My need for control over my future, finances, relationships, etc is rooted in evil...why? Well, as we strive for more control we are saying that we know what's best and putting ourselves at the same level as or even above God. Now, let that sink in for a moment as you read Isaiah 14:12-14 which says, "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer...For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;...I will be like the Most High.'." Does this passage of Scripture put into perspective of why it is very dangerous to think that acting on our desire to control everything in our lives is okay? I hope so and I know it has for myself.

For so long I tried to control all of the situations and battles to go in the best direction I saw in the moment. But as I let go, gave my control over to God, and trusted Him in all with all that I had I began to see that my control is so feeble and small compared to how much control God has and how perfect it is. I do not want to be like satan, nor do I imagine that you want to be either. So, give up control. Fear may come the moment you do, but wash it away with the Truth; the Word of God. From time to time I still struggle with giving up complete control and surrendering all that I am and all that I have to God for Him to use because I fear that God may not answer my prayers the way I want them to be answered (there I go again thinking I know it all). But the best part about letting God have all control and trusting that He is good and faithful, is that we get to see His power work within us for the good of ourselves and His Kingdom. As it is written in Romans 8:28, "All things work together for the good of those who love God". It doesn't say some things, a few things, or for only perfect people. It says ALL things and for those who LOVE God.

Instead of trusting in our human, sinful nature to control our lives why not completely surrender the entirety of our life to God who is all-knowing, who knows exactly what we need, when we need it and has a plan already in place for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11)? It will be a journey. One that may not even develop completely until we are with Christ in Heaven, but it will be worth it and God will be pleased with you. His blessings will pour out on you as you trust His leading and refrain from trying to take the reigns of your life back.

Giving up control can be difficult and you may not even know how to begin. I urge you to start by praying. Express your thoughts, feelings, and desires to God. Each time you catch yourself trying to control a situation that should only be controlled by God, pray for strength to overcome the need for your control. God will give you wisdom. All you have to do is ask Him for it. Complete surrender builds your faith because when you take a seat on the passengers side you HAVE to trust that the driver knows what they're doing, where they're going, and that they have a clean track record. Surrendering to God is the perfect strategy for doing His Will, learning to trust in Him always, and pleasing Him.

Be strong. Persevere. Grow in Faith. 


     We’re striving for the wrong reasons. We look at possessions, salary, connections, and so on as something to attain as our goals. But our goal and purpose is not of this world. Rather, it is heavenly. I know for myself that I get caught up in the things this world flashes before me. I get caught up in striving for fame, money, and possessions but by pursuing these things I also leave behind my most important focus and goal…which is Jesus and His Kingdom.

     At the start and end of each day God’s glory is on my mind. As the day turns into stressful deadlines, mountainous to-do lists, and all the feels relationships bring His glory and Kingdom fade into the background. One thing I see wrong with this is simple…God is to be my sole focus and my only goal should be to see His face one day, hearing Him say “Well done good and faithful servant”.

     My focus has been divided between so many things lately and I have honestly felt like I was losing relation with God. I couldn’t feel Him near. I wasn’t feeling authentically joyful. I just felt as though I’m going through the motions of life. Maybe you feel the same way. Or maybe you were just there and realized a way to conquer this cycle (if so, fill us in on what made the change!) I do know that God has revealed to me how our focus and goals should be heavenly given that this earth will fade away and the things of this world will fall but the glory and kingdom of Jesus is infinite. Remember that initially we were placed in this world not to attain social status, become millionaires, or start a family rather we were placed here to have relationship with God and later spread His good news to those around us.

I encourage us to focus on how we can give God glory and pursue the things of His Kingdom throughout our days. When life comes at us full force just remember to take time throughout the day to refocus our goals and purpose back to attaining glory for Jesus in all that we do.

1 John 2:17

 And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.

Peace & <3,

Post-Holiday Reflections

Have you ever noticed the more you hang around people the more you begin to speak like them? Or even begin to desire the same things as they do? With the holidays just passing I’ve noticed my desires shifting and not in the most godly way. The influence of others is so prevalent and the more time you spend with a person the more likely you’ll start to become like them. Think about it. Think back to a time where you were desiring more of what the world offers…who were you spend a lot of time with? Then, think back to a time where you were on point with God…who were you hanging out with a lot? I know for me that this is so true in my life.

With celebrating the holidays these past few weeks where I’ve been spending more time with people I normally don’t hang out with much it has really opened my eyes to Proverbs 13:20. What and who we place ourselves around has a greater impact on us than we may initially recognize. After many gatherings and events where I was placing myself around people I wouldn’t call a godly influence I began desiring worldly things more than things of Christ. The worldly desires such as money, partying, and sexual immorality became more important for me to fulfill than my godly characteristics. The more time I spent with the “unwise” the more my desires grew for such things.
[Disclaimer: I’m not saying that by hanging out with certain people caused me to sway away from my walk with God but my time spent with them definitely was an ingredient that helped influence my attitude. I dropped my guard (reading the Bible every day) and made a choice to accept the influential offers.]

Although, this could have ended disastrously God was near even when I was not near to Him and pursuing Him. He knew exactly what I needed to hear. As I swung back into my daily routine because we all know that holidays seem to kick us off on an ultra-lazy or supersonic-busy mode, I was able to recognize the truth and why I was feeling down and out. I made the decision to sit and listen for God. As I did this He revealed Proverbs 13:20 to me. Just that little time with God shows me how powerful His influence is on my life and how much more powerful it can be when I place His Word over me as protection during these busy times with “unwise” people.
So, will you spend more time with people who will drag you down or will you choose to spend more time with people who can build you up, creating in you wise desires?

It’s a choice. You have to make it. 

Dazed, Confused, and Distracted.

"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect". ~ Romans 12:2 (NLT)

//We ask "Why" so often. Why can't I do this? Why did this happen? Why won't God answer me? One thing I've noticed, though, is that we rarely question ourselves. What am I doing that is hindering my progress? What am I not doing that is disconnecting me with God? What kind of tactics am I allowing the devil to use in hindering my relationship with God? These are the vital questions we should be asking.

There are so many things that serve as distractions, but what do your distractions appear to be? What is it that you may do, listen to, watch or read that is creating a distraction from God and living for His glory? 

About 3 months ago I was struggling to hear from God on an important decision that I was running out of time to make. Basically, I didn't know what God's Will was for me at the moment and I was confused as to why I wasn't hearing Him speak to me. It was pointed out to me that this struggle could all be caused by my own doing. Although, not until this morning did I realize that it was true. I was, for a lack of better words, the victim of my own crimes. I don't watch television too often, but when I do it's only certain series. One series in particular struck me as having a great impact on my relationship with God. It was by no means the most appropriate show. I justified watching it by telling myself I knew what was right from wrong. Let me fill you in on something. Trying to justify your actions such as I did is not really living for Christ. Rather it is living 50/50 for Christ and yourself. Romans 12:2 makes it crystal clear. We are not to conform to the behaviors of this world we live in. But we do it anyway! Of course I wasn't going to have clear direction from God because I was creating barriers that cut Him out of areas of my life. He needs all of us, every part of us in order to clearly express His Will. 

My distraction is definitely the television series I choose to watch. It may be frivolous to think that television would have such an impact on your relationship with God but we need to start realizing that our distractions truly do. 

Think about what distracts you from pursuing the Lord. Maybe it is television. Or it could be certain aspects of social gatherings that you get caught up in. Even books can have an impact on your relationship with God. So, what is it? What are the things that distract you and what will you do about it? Continue to justify them, compromising your relationship with the Lord? That sounds like you're sitting on the fence. We need to ask whether our distractions are more important that pursuing God and His glory.

To really know God's good, acceptable, and perfect Will we need to not be conformed to this world and all of it's flashing lights, only giving God certain areas of our lives. Once we figure this out we begin to transform, being able to know His Will for our lives.  

I encourage you to write down your distractions and make an action plan of how you will make it a habit to not partake in them. Counteract your distractions with a positive form such as instead of listening to inappropriate music listen to music that praises God.  

Transformations take time and practice. So, don't give up after the first try. God is waiting patiently, with His arms open wide. He is cheering for you to overcome these obstacles and for you to know His plans for your life.

Peace & <3

Expectations & Grace.

Our expectations should be in the perfection of Christ, which won’t be attained until we reach eternity. Having expectations for perfection in earthly, human, sinful beings will only set yourself up to tear others down. When we expect others to be perfect and they don't attain that goal then we become increasingly aware of their failures. I know for myself I’ve expected others to grasp and apply Godly counsel to their own lives the moment after they learn it whether through prayer, worship or a message.

I create this almost unattainable goal for someone. This goal isn’t even something I’d create for myself because I know that I may mess up and most likely take time and practice to apply it on a daily basis. But I don’t give others this kind of grace. I set the bar high, I expect them to follow- through and attain it and when they don't attain it I’m disappointed; I create animosity toward that person and react on that. I’m pretty sure this is the exact opposite of how God expects us to act.

Even if the person understands the lesson, proclaims they’ll apply it but continuously never does we are still called to give grace and mercy to them. We are not called to be judges. We are not called to be holier than thou. We are called to be examples, just as Christ was. We are called to possess the characteristics of Jesus but when we raise the bar to the highest point for others and lower it for ourselves we are nowhere near being Christ-like.

We’ve got to realize this is evil, that this is sinful. Changing someone is God’s authority, not ours. We can only be vessels that express a Christ-like life!
[This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have hope for others. Our hope needs to be grounded in God, though, not in human abilities.]

The more your life consistently expresses Christ, the more people will notice how God has directed your life. Why would I expect others to be perfect when I know that I could never be? I know that this is something that may take a while to become habitual. It still doesn't always come easy to me to give grace to others. Grace does go a long way but first we need to learn how to accept the grace given to us from God. If we don't know how to accept this gift and live a life on the foundation of this gift we will certainly not be able to give it freely without conditions to others around us. God is waiting to humble you and teach you His way of giving grace. Take to the Scriptures and talking with the Lord for direction about grace. He will answer. He will show you. Just ask. 

Romans 14:1-4
As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand.

Give Grace. Grace Has Been Given To You. 

Peace & <3,

Moment by Moment...

//Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. ~Ephesians 5:15-17//

I often don’t think about the detrimental aspects of time. Yes, time, as in the hours in each day kind of time. I recently prayed asking God to help me use my time more wisely knowing that there has to be more than just spending it watching reruns of my favorite television series or perusing Instagram. The past few weeks I’ve felt busier than normal and been wondering where all of my time had been spent, wishing I had more of it.

As I prayed, God brought to mind how much time He actually has given me. He showed me that much of my time has been spent in the future. You ask “How can that be possible?” but as I began to search my thoughts it was true. God revealed that my mind is solely focused on thinking about, planning and executing ideas or To-Do lists for things that are in the future such as college choices, college applications and all that encompasses them, furthering my career, worrying about my bills that have yet to arrive, and constantly pondering whether I’ll end my legacy with becoming a crazy cat lady.

//"Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance toward the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new advantage point." 

Not to say that all of these thoughts are never good to contemplate but to obsess over them almost every day is, in a way, sinful. Pause a moment and think about it. If all of your time in the present is being redirected to thinking about the future or even the past then you leave behind moments that God has planned for you now; Moments of joy, moments of lessons, moments of glorifying Him. You’re leaving behind times of rest, rebuilding or discovery. You become a thief of your own time.
I’ve been learning that I’m in a time of rest and building and that I need ‘time-checks’, where I stop what I’m doing or thinking to evaluate how I’ve been using my time. Future- focused and keeping busy with To-Do lists are certainly tasks that I get caught up in almost every day and it seems that I take part in these so that I can try to avoid dealing with something in the present that’s either painful or well, boring. Can you just imagine all the wonderful things that God has shown you each day but you were too busy looking back or gazing too far forward to even catch a glimpse? We miss out on too much when our minds and hearts are not focused on the right here, right now.

In the past few months, God has never left my side and has been with me through all situations helping me discover more about myself, about Him and His plans. When I actually follow through with keeping my mind and heart focused on the moments at hand instead of in the future He has revealed to me how big and powerful He really is. Throughout this leg of the journey I have experienced pure joy, true happiness, growth, pain, healing, set-backs, rebuilding, love, perfect peace and much needed rest.

[[Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. ~Matthew 6:34]]
God tells us not to worry about tomorrow for today has enough troubles for itself. He’s right, you know. Becoming future-focused (as we all often do in today’s society) or stuck in the past is not where God is. God is here, now. God is working in your life right now and if you don’t change your view you might miss out on spectacular opportunities of growth. So, I encourage you to take time-checks and evaluate how wisely you’re spending your time. God has great things in store for you now, in the present but when you focus on the future or past you turn away from all of His great gifts and loving lessons.

Be present. Meditate on His Word. Look for Him in the now.

Peace & <3,
Samantha Metzger 2015. Powered by Blogger.
© Samantha Metzger and His. Beloved., 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Samantha and His. Beloved. with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.