
I've never understood the depth of someone's words until recently. Positive. Negative. Neutral. Hearing someone you care about say hurtful things to you can cause some ugly retaliation and broken hearts but sometimes what I think could be worse is them saying things you've longed to hear. Those things that they promise you or dream about but end up completely forgetting it later on or just not putting much stake into how their words may affect the person they are speaking with. Remember to check your words and motives with the Lord before speaking. As well as take everything you receive to Jesus before you bloat with the words you've longed for or retaliate with hatred from the negative ones you didn't want to receive. Words have so much power, more than anyone ever believes and cannot even imagine. So, choose your words wisely under the direction of God and think of the consequences that may come about, both for yourself and for the other person. 

Peace & <3,

News & Updates.

It's been a while everyone. Here's the thing. I have had so many different changes occur in my life the past 7 months and some of them, well a lot of them have not been the easiest or happiest. First, I lost my furr baby of 8 years. That was one the most difficult things I have had to come up against. She was a true pal.

The good news. We adopted a new puppy! His name is Duke. I must say he is quite a loving, adorable pooch. Duke is such  loving and loyal pal. Cannot wait to see what life throws us.

The news keeps on coming. I have moved back to my hometown of Lima. There is nothing in Lima. Don't come here to live. On the upside, I am reunited with my family members and one of my truest of friends.

I despised the idea at first since I had established myself already in Toledo by making new friends and joining a young adult group in the community. I was really enjoying myself and had such a great time there. Plus, I adorded our brand new house. I had to transfer to a new school, which is never the ideal. In addition, I had made a really close friend in the process of moving to Toledo. Transitioning back and forth from familiar to unknown was quite a whirlwind. As well as letting go of someone I have grown to love and become great friends with.

On top of all of this my grandmother, whom I dearly loved, was diagnosed with cancer. No one ever thinks that something like this would happen in their families. I was on the same boat. I never imagined something like this being so impactful on my life, but it most definitely was. A few months later, in July, she had finally passed away. As any loss is difficult to overcome I still tear up at times. I'm sure some of you have dealt with this pain and suffering before. You know how it is. You wish your loved one would return one last time. That was exactly my thoughts but God knew it was time for my grandmother to join Him. 

Despite all of these trials and some exciting news I have to say that I have developed an understanding that the Lord is my Provider. I would have never guessed I would have such a peace about being back in Lima. I mean all I ever wanted to do when I grew up was to leave Lima and never return. The Lord showed me great things during this time of transition. 1) He has shown me to hold on to His mighty hand because He knows the way and will guide me. 2) It is never impossible to for God not to love us. He is always there, cheering us on. 3) God has His own set of plans. We can either obey Him and redirect our minds to glorify His Kingdom or we can take our own advice and go through hurt and pain as we watch our plans crumble to pieces. He knows what is best for us. Why do we always tend to opt out of His guidance even when we do know He has our best interest in mind??? 4) Thanksgiving. Praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for all He has done is done out of love for His chosen children (anyone who acknowledges Him as their lord and savior). He deserves our praise and thanksgiving every day all day long. I have been trying to pray everywhere I go throughout my entire day, whether it be driving to school, walking in to or out of class, going through the drive-thru, or just sitting at home. It has helped me grow closer to God and realize all the small things I have taken for granted, but now see in a light of love from the Lord God, such as the sun shining, or the stop light turning green before I had to stop. Weird, but still it is the little things. 5) To always look up and in whatever I do act in a manner worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Trials may knock you down. And they may not go away the next day or next month, but the Lord your God is with you always and is fighting on your behalf. Trust in Him completely. Doing so will open up so many doors of knowing who He is. He will never leave you. Jesus wants to give you the best of the best and has a great plan that you cannot understand or imagine. One day all things in the past will make sense. So, for now look up and live in a state of always Looking Up to God, trusting in His plan and surrendering your plans over to Him. Act in a manner worthy of the gospel. He will reward your efforts. Thank Him in the meantime for He deserves it more than we will ever comprehend.

Peace & <3,



All Jesus did was love on people. He loved on everyone possible; the handicapped, the brokenhearted, the drug addict, the smoker, the hater, the millionaire, His followers. Everyone. Stop being a fan on the sidelines and start being a player and invest in other's besides yourself and your group of people. Our group of people should be every single soul on earth. Be present and show the love. Anyone's capable of loving people who love them back, but it's much harder to love someone who shows no sign of love toward you. 

Do it anyway. 

The Meantime.

Stuck in Limbo. Stuck in this Meantime place. Ugh! I've been in this same spot in my relationship with the Lord for a few weeks now. Just going through the motions of life it seems like. Have y'all ever felt like that before? I'm sure you have. I know I can't be the only one out there feeling this frustration. I want to grow deeper with Him, acquire more of His attributes and be challenged. Maybe this is my challenge...who knows. As I write this I'm reminded of Psalm 27:14 and its previous verses. It simply tells us to believe in God's timing, goodness, faithfulness, loyalty and love. We must wait on Him in order to move forward. It stinks though. Waiting. We all have our breaking points with patience. Sometimes mine is very limited and I tend to skip the part of waiting and go do it myself. In the long run that only hurts me and takes me farther away from where I wanted to be in the first place. Dumb idea. Instead of trusting my own judgement, I've got to remember to let God step in and to surrender my frustrations at the foot of the Cross. I know you've heard this a million times, but God will get you through your meantime. I sometimes ponder on why that never sticks with me through the messy parts of my life! And in this meantime of waiting for the Lord, I will praise and thank Him for helping me understand the greatness of patience and I will be using my time wisely to work on trusting Him with all aspects of life. It's hard to do sometimes, but it is possible to accomplish. So, in your meantimes don't forfeit now when you've come so far, don't give in to temptations. Just be still and bask in your Father's holiness as long as you need.

Are we there yet.

Have you ever wondered what comes next? Where to live? When to move out of your parents house? What college or grad school should I go to? Who am I going to marry? Should I marry Him? What's my purpose? Have I reached the destination of God's will? I know the feeling. We constantly ask God these questions day in and day out, but it seems like we don't get an answer most of the time or at least not in time. It's frustrating and annoying and all of the above, but think about God. Imagine this, the "Are we there yet?" question is being asked to God 24/7 by hundreds of thousands of people. Now, how annoying would that be? So much more than the frustration we feel. 
The questions of life we deal with every day and the decisions to make on a daily basis can easily go from worry, worry, worry to peace, peace, peace in a split second. The reason why God did not give us a map to our lives is because He has called us to trust Him and walk by faith. I mean TRUST Him. Not just say, "Oh, yeah I totally trust you, God!" I'm talking about the kind of trust where you take His hand as He leads you down a dark ally in the unknown city of your choice, let's say New York. This is a life or death situation and you're grabbing onto His hand because you REALLY trust in Him and His plan. That's the kind of trust I'm talking about. 
It's so cliche to hear the phrase, "Trust in God" or "Have faith" or "Live by faith". It's tough to understand what that really means sometimes, but God has put it plainly for us. Walking by faith, trusting God, living by faith are all saying, "Take the risks that come your way". Not to tell you to take the risk of jumping in front of oncoming traffic, but the risks that make you feel like you have no idea what you're doing, but you're trusting God because He has told you to take the risk head on. Leaving a job that has great pay, benefits, and coworkers would be difficult especially if you had no idea what was next. And 3 years down the road you discover what it was that's next and it made it all worth leaving that great job because God had a plan and you trusted in Him. 
Faith is the foundation of this thing we call "Walking with Jesus". We must first learn how to walk well with God before we can just jump off the cliff of the unknown and start working for Him. Walking takes time and practice, but God knows that and He is patient with us. He has all the time in the world if we needed it. He's going to challenge us and we might fall down or miss our opportunity to "work" for Him, but He is full of second chances. We've just got to keep persevering, striving for a relationship with Him and He is going to guide us in the right place at just the right time with just the right people and give us just the right words and actions to say and do. 
Knowing God's will is not our purpose, but living by faith and walking WITH Him is our true purpose. All of the great works and our gifts that He has bestowed in us will eventually come forth as we grow in our relationship with Him, but first we must WALK and not run. The answers to those questions and the worry that comes from freaking out about what's next can become eased and we'll have peace if we just take a step back and trust God and walk by faith.

2 Corinthians 5:7
For we live by faith, not by sight.
Hebrews 11:1
For faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 

Take time today and read Hebrews 11. Also, skim through Hebrews 12 for encouragement from the Lord.  
These are ancient stories of great faith and unknowns. These people trusted God. They put their entire lives in His hands and He used them for great and miraculous things. 

Short and Sweet

1 Samuel 14:1-23 

Let's be so present in our city with the Glory of the Lord that people have to stop and notice us. Making a difference isn't just picking up some trash from the street and throwing it away or volunteering at a homeless shelter. Yes, those are wonderful things that puts a smile on God's face, but He wants us to be REALLY present in our city. Fighting for the lives of those who are lost still and even for those who have fallen down are what we are called to as followers of the Holy God. If you look in the Bible you will see that the people God had called to spread the Good News all left things behind to travel the lands to Be Present in the cities that knew no God or needed help getting back to Him. Let's make a difference for the sake of God's Glory and Kingdom. We were made for far better things than we imagine. If He is present then we ought to follow in step and become Present in our cities; growing from a few to a few hundred. God is the reason, not our religions. Be Present and be happy that people notice you standing out from the crowds, being the person God has called you to be. Let's get off that bench and LIVE in such a way that when people see and talk to us they notice that difference right away! :) 

Shalom <3
Samantha Metzger 2015. Powered by Blogger.
© Samantha Metzger and His. Beloved., 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Samantha and His. Beloved. with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.