
I just want to start out saying, WOW! I am amazed at what God has done in my life within 6 months time. Almost 2 years ago I was at my chiropractor's appointment in Waterville and I had come to know my doctor fairly well. It was a very small town, so I would see him at the diner I worked at and at Kroger's down the street sometimes. To say the least, he became a good friend. During one of my appointments he mentioned to me that I would be a great small group leader. I laughed, actually laughed at him. I have been asked to be a group leader before, but I always knew I couldn't do that. I have always been so scared to speak in front of people and I was the girl who would get light headed during her own presentation and even during a few others'. (try not to laugh at me). Anyways, a few months later I found out that I was going to be moving back to my hometown, Lima. I mentioned it to my best friend, Kylie and she was excited...she told me that we should head up a group for girls our age and meet each week. I was SO astonished. I couldn't believe that God had spoken so directly to me through other people. It was clear that I was meant to become a group leader for these women. It scared me at first, but in the weeks leading up to the first meeting I felt a calm and peace...clearly God's doing. Knowing me, I would be freaking out and getting myself worked up over it. I didn't know how this was going to play out...I mean I had never lead a small group before and have hardly done any kind of leadership positions in the past. So, I was completely clueless on what to do or expect. The first meeting came and it went great! The next came and the next and the feels like I blinked, almost 5 months later and we were finished with the study and it was over for the semester. How could me, someone who has always and still is afraid of speaking in front of the class, be used to lead people closer to God??? I am so thankful for that push from God. I would not be the woman I am today without Him or the leader for that matter. Don't underestimate what God can do in and through you. He has mysterious ways that lead you to something greater than you could imagine. Go in to His callings. Trust Him and He will lead you in the right direction, which produces good things.

Peace & <3,
Samantha Metzger 2015. Powered by Blogger.
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