
I've never understood the depth of someone's words until recently. Positive. Negative. Neutral. Hearing someone you care about say hurtful things to you can cause some ugly retaliation and broken hearts but sometimes what I think could be worse is them saying things you've longed to hear. Those things that they promise you or dream about but end up completely forgetting it later on or just not putting much stake into how their words may affect the person they are speaking with. Remember to check your words and motives with the Lord before speaking. As well as take everything you receive to Jesus before you bloat with the words you've longed for or retaliate with hatred from the negative ones you didn't want to receive. Words have so much power, more than anyone ever believes and cannot even imagine. So, choose your words wisely under the direction of God and think of the consequences that may come about, both for yourself and for the other person. 

Peace & <3,
Samantha Metzger 2015. Powered by Blogger.
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