Calling Out

Jeremiah 33:3- "Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." 

To limit God is to use the same proven methods that have worked in the past over and over again; not letting God work in you to grow in your faith. God is so unpredictable and we will never comprehend that until we fix our eyes on His majesty and actually believe what we say about Him. Sometimes I will say a little pray as in, "Please, God, let Your light shine through me today" and not really believe that He will let His light shine. This is limiting God and not allowing His knowledge, grace, and love flow through me as I thought I always have. God is so amazing and I know He is working in my life right now. But as a sinner and doubtful person, I always need to remind myself to put everything in God's hands because He is the one who will show me great and mighty things if I just ask and believe in it. Empty yourselves before the Lord and allow Him to mold you into His masterpiece. He is willing and waiting for you. Just call to Him.


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