When Control gets Out of Hand.

Control. It's a safe word. It creates order and security. For me control had been an essential tool for living my life because it gave me a sense of knowing what was going to happen next. I liked to have Plan A but also Plan B and C figured out before I even agreed to Plan A. I despised not knowing what was up ahead especially when it came down to my future (just like many of you). But when I look back at the times I tried to control a situation I only see that it brought more pain, frustration, and many more obstacles than there would have been if I had just given up control to God alone.

Control is a desire of the flesh. It strives to keep things in order and give us peace of mind. But as stated in James 3:16 "...all evil things come from human desire and self-seeking motives". I had always thought that having control of my life was responsible and looked upon as something good, which it very well maybe within the earthly world, but I was reminded that as a follower of Christ I'm to live set apart from the ways of the world. My need for control over my future, finances, relationships, etc is rooted in evil...why? Well, as we strive for more control we are saying that we know what's best and putting ourselves at the same level as or even above God. Now, let that sink in for a moment as you read Isaiah 14:12-14 which says, "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer...For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;...I will be like the Most High.'." Does this passage of Scripture put into perspective of why it is very dangerous to think that acting on our desire to control everything in our lives is okay? I hope so and I know it has for myself.

For so long I tried to control all of the situations and battles to go in the best direction I saw in the moment. But as I let go, gave my control over to God, and trusted Him in all with all that I had I began to see that my control is so feeble and small compared to how much control God has and how perfect it is. I do not want to be like satan, nor do I imagine that you want to be either. So, give up control. Fear may come the moment you do, but wash it away with the Truth; the Word of God. From time to time I still struggle with giving up complete control and surrendering all that I am and all that I have to God for Him to use because I fear that God may not answer my prayers the way I want them to be answered (there I go again thinking I know it all). But the best part about letting God have all control and trusting that He is good and faithful, is that we get to see His power work within us for the good of ourselves and His Kingdom. As it is written in Romans 8:28, "All things work together for the good of those who love God". It doesn't say some things, a few things, or for only perfect people. It says ALL things and for those who LOVE God.

Instead of trusting in our human, sinful nature to control our lives why not completely surrender the entirety of our life to God who is all-knowing, who knows exactly what we need, when we need it and has a plan already in place for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11)? It will be a journey. One that may not even develop completely until we are with Christ in Heaven, but it will be worth it and God will be pleased with you. His blessings will pour out on you as you trust His leading and refrain from trying to take the reigns of your life back.

Giving up control can be difficult and you may not even know how to begin. I urge you to start by praying. Express your thoughts, feelings, and desires to God. Each time you catch yourself trying to control a situation that should only be controlled by God, pray for strength to overcome the need for your control. God will give you wisdom. All you have to do is ask Him for it. Complete surrender builds your faith because when you take a seat on the passengers side you HAVE to trust that the driver knows what they're doing, where they're going, and that they have a clean track record. Surrendering to God is the perfect strategy for doing His Will, learning to trust in Him always, and pleasing Him.

Be strong. Persevere. Grow in Faith. 


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