
It's finally the weekend! Time to sit back and relax a little. This is was God lead me to the other day and I thought I'd share it.

2 Cor. 6:14-18
Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? ...Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in the and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."

Jesus calls us to be yoked with believers when it comes time to date a man or marry that man. Being a believer in Christ consists of having an on-going relationship with God the Father and communicating to him with worship, prayer, reading His Word, and showing or being Christ-like by our actions. Faith without action get's you nowhere. As we begin to think of dating or marrying a man that has walked into our lives we must consider him and his lifestyle. I know the feeling of being so in love with a man that you overlook or say "things will change once this or that happens". Trust me, I have been through my fair share of bad relationships and that is not the case. We need to consider whether or not that man has a personal and growing relationship with our Heavenly Creator. I've come to know that this aspect in a man's life is very important to me and that is what I long for, just as God longs for the same thing for every one of us. If that personal and growing relationship between our dating partner and God is not evident throughout his lifestyle then that is no man for us to be dating. God wants the very very best for us. He really does. Our Lord knows what is best for us and He tells us not to be with an unbeliever for our own good. I grew up in a home where my mother was a believer before my dad. The strife and heartache that went on in the house every week was miserable, both for them and for us children. Once both my parents became believers(after a decade of being miserable) everything changed so quickly. The fighting ended, the yelling matches ended, my dad and mom actually showed that they loved each other and they sacrificed for each other. This is a prime example to myself of what I would look forward to if I were yoked with an unbeliever, even though in the end it turned out good for them but many unequally yoked relationships end in separation and divorce. But as I observe my parents' relationship now, it is something that I desperately want and I know that God wants the same for me and for you. As we have to consider our dating partner we also have to consider ourselves. Are we keeping in the word daily? Is our relationship with Christ showing in a good way throughout our days to those that cross our paths? Before we have a lasting and Christ-centered relationship with a man we must first be in a committed and growing relationship with God that supersedes any dating relationship that we might encounter. God WILL gives us the desires of our hearts but we have to lay our lives down to Him and give up control. Just as Psalm 37:4 tells us, "Delight yourselves in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."For some, it may take a long time for those desires to come forth or it may just be a day or two of waiting on the Lord. Remember that God's timing is perfect. Everything about God is perfect. He will reward you for your faithfulness and commitment to Him. God loves you so much more than any man could. Always remember that what we go through in life is God's way of shaping us into the person He desires us to be. :)

This is a picture my cousin showed me. It's a letter from God to us, women. So precious.


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