You're Not An Outcast

Good evening :) I hope that you feel God's presence in your life this week. Look for the positive out of everything you face whether good or bad; God is teaching us through all aspects of life.

This is a little look in to the life of an outcast in Jesus' era and how He loved her any way.

John 4:1-26 talks about the Samaritan woman and Jesus when He asked for a drink at the well. Jesus was a Jew and it was not heard of when a Jew would talk to a Samaritan and especially a man to talk to a woman. Woman were inferior to men back then and the men didn't even talk to their own mothers or sisters in public. Anyways, Jesus asked this lady if He could have a drink from the well but she was astounded that He was even speaking to her in the first place. At that point Jesus already knew that she was immoral, having 5 husbands and the one she was living with now was not even her husband. He wasn't there to judge her or kill her for her wrong path of life; He was there to tell her of the great mercy and love of God. He was ministering to her, showing that He actually cared and disregarded the immoral acts she had done in the past. He revealed Himself as the Messiah, offering forgiveness, redemption, and a new life. As she drank from His cup of living water, she ran back to Samaria without a second thought and proclaimed the Messiah had arrived. The people of Samaria eagerly yearned for the living water of Christ after the Samaritan woman shared what had happened to her. God uses us, even if we think we are broken and unworthy. He has a purpose for every person on earth. Whether you are like this Samaritan woman, with several husbands/wives or you're living with a man/woman and he is not your husband/wife, God still loves you with all of His heart. He is wanting to use you to further His Kingdom and to proclaim the Good News.

God is working in our lives and wanting to be near us each minute of the day. He has a plan for us. No matter what we've been through, done, or thought about doing; He is still there, waiting. Take the next step and say hello back to Him as He knocks on the door to your heart. You are loved with out end.

1 comment:

  1. Sam, how right you are. So glad you are following what God is calling you to do for others and yourself.


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